Uncover your

Wisdom Within.

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About Abri


Abri thrives at the intersections of mindfulness and leadership development and is passionate about supporting individuals and teams with tools, practices, and inquiry that enable human and planetary flourishing.

With over 15 years of experience in coaching, facilitating, and leading global leadership development programs, it brings Abri immense joy to be able to support leaders today in navigating the uncertainties of our time and evoke transformation and wellbeing.

Abri is known for her ability to create warmth, safety, and connection with depth, lightness and her full presence, which brings forward the best in others.

Industry Experience

Before founding Wisdom Within, Abri worked at Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (born at Google), where she served as a coach, facilitator, and mentor for a variety of clients including: Google, Stanford, United Way, LeanIn. Most recently, she and the team partnered with the Bhutan Ministry of Education and Gross National Happiness teams, where they delivered a mindful leadership program to all 29k government employees in the country, the largest cohort to date. 

Abri got her start in the field as Senior Consultant at Korn Ferry Hay Group, a global consulting firm as well as the Director of Linkage’s Women in Leadership Institute, a global conference focused on advancing women leaders.

She is an ICF Certified Coach (ACC), certified in Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness, and a contributing author to the book, Mastering Your Inner Critic and 7 Other High Hurdles to Advancement: How the Best Women Leaders Practice Self-Awareness to Change What Really Matters.


Recognizing that our time is valuable and the choices we make have an impact, Abri’s mission is to support leaders who are committed to making positive change and desire to be of service. She believes that  every person is creative, resourceful, and whole and that she doesn't have the answers, but by asking powerful questions from an embodied presence, she can support those she works with in finding their own wisdom within.

Background and Training

  • ICF Certified Coach (ACC) through Co-Active Coach Training Institute

  • Certified facilitator and coach for Search Inside Yourself (SIY) Global, a mindfulness-based emotional intelligence program born at Google and based on neuroscience

  • Learning designer, facilitator, and coach, PurposeBlue Consulting and Rewild Work Strategies

  • Certified Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness facilitator through Trauma Sensitive Education, LLC.

  • Completed Embodied Leadership course, Strozzi Institute

  • Trained as Birth and Death Doula, Sacred Birthing School 

  • Previously: Manager, Search Inside Yourself (SIY) Global, Senior Consultant and Coach for Korn Ferry Hay Group, Director of Women's Leadership, Linkage, Inc., Learning and Development Manager, Benchmark Senior Living

  • Contributing author to  “Mastering Your Inner Critic and 7 Other High Hurdles to Advancement: How the Best Women Leaders Practice Self-Awareness to Change What Really Matters.

  • Favorite work project: Partnering with Bhutan Ministry of Education and Gross National Happiness teams to design and roll out a mindfulness teacher training to all 10,000 educators in the country, the largest SIY mindfulness teacher training cohort to date 

  • Professional clients include: Google, Stanford, Bhutan Ministry of Education, Toyota, LeanIn, Oracle, McKesson, United Way, University of Michigan, FedEx, and more.



One-on-one coaching is a creative process of exploration. Through the practice of inquiry, coaching sessions can help cultivate awareness, insight, and deeper connection with ourselves and those around us. Abri typically works with individuals who are interested in creating more peace, presence, or purpose in their lives. Those who wish to access wisdom and are curious about how to be of service and live with more meaning and fulfillment.

Areas of Specialty:

  • Feeling greater embodiment and connecting with your deepest knowing, your wisdom within 

  • Creating a life that feels aligned with who you are (your strengths and values) and what you want to offer to the world

  • Developing and strengthening mindfulness practices to cultivate more peace and ease

  • Building the muscle of self-compassion, learning to love yourself the way you do a good friend

  • Reconnecting to your authentic self and core values

  • Navigating change and transition with more ease and support

Coaching Philosophy:

At Wisdom Within, we believe:

  • That you are you worthy and whole, just as you are

  • That you have all the answers you are seeking within yourself

  • That all of you is welcome -- every emotion, unwanted feeling, your deepest grief and your most expansive joy

  • That this work should be equally as fun as it is transformative

What to Expect

Using a combination of coaching techniques, mindfulness and somatic practices, as well as intuitive presence, Abri’s approach is to hold space for you to access your innate wisdom within. From that place, often more clarity, connection, and insights flow.

How it works

Coaching sessions are done virtually. Commitment and time are essential to making lasting change which is why a minimum commitment of six, one-hour coaching sessions with at least one session per month is suggested. 

The coaching process includes:

  • Sample session – this complimentary one-hour coaching session is where the foundation is built. We will explore who you are and what you value. We will “dance before we date” to determine if we are a good fit for one another.

  • Commitment – once we’ve mutually agreed to work together, we will agree to the length and frequency of the coaching as well as logistical items like scheduling, shared agreements, and invoicing.

  • Discovery session and designing our relationship – in our initial coaching session we will create a plan around what is needed from one another in the process and design our relationship including how we will work together.

  • Ongoing coaching – continuous one-hour coaching sessions that focus on what’s present for you. You bring the topic each session and we explore together.

  • Transition and completion – at the conclusion of our coaching we will review key learnings and develop the path forward.


Book a free sample session

Book a complimentary sample coaching session using the calendar below. There’s nothing you need to do to prepare for the session other than think of an intention or topic for our time together. During the session, we'll determine if working together makes sense for us both and align on next steps if so!


Mindfulness + Emotional Intelligence @ Work


Bring Search Inside Yourself program to your organization.

Born at Google and based on neuroscience, Search Inside Yourself teaches practical mindfulness, emotional intelligence and leadership tools to unlock your full potential at work and in life. Search Inside Yourself takes an evidence-based approach combining neuroscience, attention-training and emotional intelligence. The program provides practical tools that can be applied immediately in life or at work. We start with a foundation of mindfulness, and build the core emotional intelligence domains that lead to outstanding leadership.

Program Benefits:

Search Inside Yourself has been described as "life changing." It allows for deep transformations through accessible and practical content. The tools, practices, resources and exercises you'll learn in the Search Inside Yourself program will help to:

  • Experience greater overall well-being.

  • Develop greater self-awareness and emotion regulation.

  • Build resilience in the face of challenges.

  • Develop empathy and communicate more effectively.

  • Manage stress.

  • Increase focus and attention.

To learn more and hire Abri to deliver the Search Inside Yourself program to your organization, please complete the Contact Form.




Camillia Thompson | Portland, OR USA

“Abri is a powerhouse of light and creativity and is wise beyond her years. She will transform your stuck places into unlimited potential and forward motion. Her enthusiasm and positivity is delightfully contagious and her solution finding capacity is an asset wherever you are on your journey. As a mental health counselor, I know Abri’s work to be transformative, as she helps uproot the causes of stuckness, confusion, and apathy, with skill and decisiveness. I highly recommend Abri. She has a unique ability to lead you to your truth while having the most fun!”

Mihir Desu | San Francisco, CA USA

“Abri’s energy is bright, light, and playful but incredibly strong and powerful at the same time. She used her energy to uplift and motivate me when I was going through a trying transitional period in my life. Her incredibly sensitivity and empathy gave me a sense of safety that enabled me to reach beyond my default self-reliance and ask for support. Now, reflecting back from a more centered place in my life, I can say that my coaching relationship with Abri helped me to ground in the transition and uncertainty.”

Sarah Bendinelli | Sonoma, CA USA

“Abri created space to propel myself to my personal and career goals. She helped me to recognize some fundamental barriers that I had been blind to for years that were standing in the way of the person I wanted to become. With clear and powerful questions and continued support, I felt safe and comfortable with Abri as my coach.”

Courtney Cikach | Cleveland, OH, USA

“Abri is a wonderful coach — she is compassionate, intuitive, and an excellent listener. I am grateful for the time we spent working on the various items that most needed a bit of attention in my life. She helped me to better visualize my issues before I cleared away what was no longer useful. It was an extremely positive relationship, and one where I felt both supported and challenged. I recommend her to anyone who is seeking more clarity in their life or needing a helping hand to move forward.”

Kristin Holmberg | Portland, OR USA

“As I pondered whether it was time to seek a new position and what was holding me back, I decided to ask Abri for assistance. She helped me sort through the fear of change after 18 years, helped me to envision my best future, and helped me breathe through the stress and anxiety. Working with Abri helped me confirm that fear of change wasn’t enough to keep me in my current position and helped me to see the possibilities for a different future. She approached our coaching relationship with kindness, gentleness, and a sense of play and joy. She made space to laugh and cry together as I worked through the process. Now, I’m about to start my new dream job and I can’t thank her enough for her role in the process.”

Andrea Smith | Boston, MA USA

“It’s clear that Abri is doing her life’s work, her mission so to speak. She believes fully in the experience and the work and her enthusiasm is palpable. I trust her in an immediate way that is rare for me, and in doing so was able to get to the “work” and feel non-judged. I may have jumped into coaching as a way to find something external that I was missing, but what I found was a better internal understanding and appreciation for how I connect to other human beings.”

Alyssa Schauer | Minneapolis, MN, USA

“I’ve never really thought about needing a coach for my personal life. I always felt like I was a driven person who knew ambition and how to cultivate it. But as I get older, I realize how much more difficult it is for me to juggle my career, creative aspirations, relationships, and my emotional and physical health. It’s like everything needed attention all at once. But then I had a call with Abri and her energy radiated through the phone almost instantly and I felt renewed and empowered. It was like I had control of my life again. In our brief coaching, she asked me poignant questions about what I truly yearn for in life, and she guided me to find the steps I need to take to get there. She is a great listener and incredibly intuitive. She taught me balance and how to give my best energy to my ambitions that give me overall purpose and happiness. As I move forward, I am calm, yet focused, and eager to pursue my dreams. I’d still be running in circles without her coaching.”


Let's Connect

Please fill out the form below for any comments, questions, or if you would like to schedule a call. I look forward to getting to know you.

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